Friday, February 25, 2022
8:00 AM Breakfast – Bluegrass Room
9:00 AM 1st Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom, Officers/PGP 10 Candidates
10:00 AM 2nd Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom, Officers/PGP 10 Candidates
11:00 AM 3rd Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
NOON Usual Lunch w/Officers & PGP’s
1:00 PM 4th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
2:00 PM 5th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
2:00 PM Order of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests – Secretariat B, First Floor
Conferred by Hannibal Tabernacle and Prince of Peace Tabernacle
3:00 PM 6th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
4:00 PM 7th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
4:00 – 5:00 PM 1225 Hospitality Room
5:00 – 6:00 PM Cocktail Hour
6:00 – 8:00 PM Royal Society of Knights Occidental Banquet (Men Only, all welcome)
8:00 – 11:00 PM 1225 Hospitality Room
Saturday Morning, February 26, 2022
8:00 AM Breakfast – Bluegrass Room
9:00 AM Opening and Procession of Grand College. Reception of Dignitaries.
9:30 AM Business Meeting – Finance, Jurisprudence, Necrology Reports Given Orally
Allocution and all other reports will be Pre-Printed & Distributed.
10:00 AM Introduction of Grand High Priests of UK & France & their remarks
Noon Lunch
1:00 PM 8th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
2:00 PM 9th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
2:00 PM Order of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests – Secretariat B, First Floor
Conferred by Hannibal Tabernacle and Prince of Peace Tabernacle
3:00 PM 10th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates
4:00 PM 11th Conferral of the Order of Holy Wisdom 10 Candidates (if needed)
4:00 – 6:30 PM 1225 Hospitality Room
6:30 – 7:30 PM Cocktail Hour
7:30 PM Grand Banquet
9:00 – 11:00 PM 1225 Hospitality Room
The Order of Holy Wisdom will be conferred on a ‘FIRST COME” – “FIRST SERVED” basis. If you want the OHW, get your registration in as soon as possible. The only exceptions to the rule will be the Elected Officers of the Grand College which amounts to 5 who will be in the first conferral. All others including appointed officers will be handled in order of Registration and payment. You must be registered for Saturday and pay the OHW fee to receive the Degree.
Our friends from the Grand College situate York England have agreed to confer the OHW on as many of us as we can have there. We may need to add additional Conferrals as necessary. In the event of Covid preventing their coming, we have an American Team studying the work to do the conferral. They have assured us they will be ready. Additionally, we will have to have our own team for 2023.
Hannibal Tabernacle and Prince of Peace Tabern